Friday, April 19, 2013

part two

The first week of the second semester of school had come to an end today.  Some happy and not so happy news from last semester.  

And as usual, this semester I seem to bite off more than I can chew.....  this is slowly turning into a bad habit...  And I found too many interesting things, as usual, LOL...  From the planned 6 classes and 1 tutorial session, I think I am going to take 9 courses, and give 1 tutorial class.  The headache is about deciding which exam to take...terrible, right?  The semester had just started and I am already thinking about exams....really terrible....

Have a great weekend!

Frankfurt, 19 April 2013.

Monday, April 8, 2013

A week 'off'

Wow, my real week 'off' kind of finally started.  I have to be honest that I actually got almost 2 months of semester break (well, it's not actually a break, it's called Vorlesungsfreizeit in German, which actually mean something like the time when you don't have to attend classes.... but time to attend tests and write your papers.... seriously...).

The first week I thought I got to read for fun after some time of reading only classes materials.  And then we had to travel a bit for a gift we owed my parents-in-law for more than a year.  And then time flew by.

The last 2 weeks or so I spent really working hard on the 2 papers that I had to hand in, and everything was finished last Friday, one week before the new semester starts.  Not great :(  I need to put myself into a better discipline.  At more than one points of time during the last weeks I really was close to panicking and was really wondering if I could really submit everything in time.  But then again, it felt good at the end to know that when I started writing, it really started flowing.. phew... Haven't lost the touch.  I don't know whether the result is good enough to get a good mark, but at least I got the minimum page numbers done, LOL.

Now it's time to start preparing for the next semester.  The classes to take, and the one to teach.   But at the same time, there are so many crafting ideas I have put on hold during the semester, and I really want to get into action for some of them.  Oh well, I guess you can't have everything ;)

On the brighter side of thing, Frankfurt does get brighter, the sun is finally out most of the day, and it seems that spring finally arrives!  I am not one who suffers easily from winter blues or something, but sun does make a difference :)

Frankfurt, April 7, 2013.